Developing as a Professional Educator

Reflecting back on the CSTP Self-Assessment to My Professional Goal

Describe a professional goal you have for yourself.

 I would like to grow into a educator that is an educator of educators.  I want to share the gains and progress that I have made with my students with other teachers so they can have those same results with their students.  

Why have you identified this as a need or interest?

I have identified this a need and interest because I see and hear the struggle that other educators have with students that are struggling whether they have special needs or just have deficits in their skill attainment.

What actions will you take?

Actions I can take are making myself more available to other teachers and administrators so that I can help with other students that have needs outside my classroom. Also my District also has PDs that you can sign up to teach. Ultimately, I would like to build up the courage to sign up and participate in teaching a PD.

How will you assess goal attainment?

I will assess my goal attainment by actually assessing if I followed through with collaborating with other staff members and participating in district PDs.

Connected Educator

Part of my professional goal is to stay connected to educators by collaborating with them and sharing ideas and strategies.  Currently, I am connected not only through weekly staff and PLC meetings but also through online resources like blogs, Twitter, and Facebook. 


I believe what I can do personally and professionally to sustain the energy it takes to maintain the energy it takes to stay passionate about students, teaching, and learning by keeping a balance between my personal and professional life.  Keeping a balance is important it keeps you grounded and centered for you to be able to do well in all areas of your life.  


My Advice to educators is to stay focused on the goal and purpose of why they teach.  There are so many little or even big things that can bring you down through out the day, However, there are always good things that happen through out the day, if you can focus on the good and purpose of why you teach all the bad wont seem that bad.   


One of my favorite adminstrators said this during a PD

"Build Trust, Build Relationships, and the work will follow."